How Can Del Mar Health

Benefit You?

Lower Labor Costs:

Healthcare firms can save money by working with Del Mar Health BPO instead of employing and training new employees. Additionally, they were free from the burden of paying domestic wages for overtime or benefits, which can be a substantial expense for in-house call centers.


Reduced Overhead Costs:

Operating an in-house call center can be expensive due to the need for equipment, technology, management, benefits, and office space. By outsourcing their call center services, healthcare organizations can eliminate these overhead costs.


Increased Efficiency:

Del Mar Health can handle a much larger volume of calls than many healthcare organizations’ internal teams. We are also able to provide 24/7 coverage, which means that plan members or patients can get their questions and clinical concerns answered and resolved much more quickly. This increased efficiency helps to reduce the number of calls that require follow-up, which in turn lowers costs.

Access to a Larger Talent Pool:

Offshoring can help healthcare organizations access a larger pool of skilled workers and professionals who may not be available or affordable locally.

Increased Flexibility and Scalability:

Offshoring allows healthcare organizations to quickly scale their operations up or down based on changing business needs, without the constraints of local markets.

Extended Work Hours:

Offshoring to a different time zone can provide healthcare organizations with extended work hours, allowing them to improve productivity and accelerate project timelines.

Diversification of Risk:

Offshoring can help healthcare organizations diversify their operations and reduce risk by spreading their workforce across multiple locations and regions.

Improved Focus on Core Competencies:

By offshoring non-core functions, healthcare organizations can free up resources and focus on their core competencies, leading to increased innovation and competitiveness.